String Art DIY

Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

Here you have a tutorial to learn how to make a Tout Eiffel String Art, step by step. It’s a little bit complicated and it takes a few hours to complete, but it worth it! It’s amazing!
via MrJanos100

As you see in this video, there’s an easy and cheap way to make a String Art craft with kids. You should use a doble cardboard and tumbtacks instead of nails. Use simple patterns as hearts, stars or circles. You gonna love make this!
via CitrusSlicesCrafts

String Art DIY word Love

This String Art is extremely special because of the nails and the string. As you see, you can improve this craft by using nails with a big head in beige and a thicker string in red. The result is more powerful and impressive. The word “Love” has never been so nice! It’s a good idea for a Valentine’s DiY craft.

Geometric String Art free patterm

Hi guys and girl! Here you have a video tutorial where you can learn step by step how to make a geometric string art project on paper. You have also a free pattern to make it easier. This is a craft suitable for kids because you work on paper (but then you should transform it into a simplier pattern)! Enjoy it!
via UnitedArtAndEd
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