String Art DIY

Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

Peacock feathers String Art DIY

Wow! This is a massive String Art project, very different from the ones that we are used to see on this blog. There are a pair of Peacock feathers made with strings, but it’s seems closer to an embroidery crafs that to a String Art one. Awesome.

The point that makes this String Art really special are the wooden tacks because the impression is really beautiful. Follow this tutorial (by scraparizate) step by step to make this lovely and simple String Art. You only need a piece of wood or cork, a bounch of tacks and crochet treds. Here you have the free pattern to download.

String Art free pattern, pentagonBy Koko90 (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Here you have a lovely an easy String Art project to make with your own or with your kids. You only need:

  • Corkboard
  • Flat Head Thumb Tacks
  • Map Tacks
  • Fabric
  • Monogram or Image for Project (sized to fit corkboard)
  • Sheet of White Tissue Paper
  • Thread


  • Fabric Scissors
  • Marker or Pencil

Follow the step by step showed on the video and enjoy it.
via Kin Community on YOutube.

To make this lovely String Art we only need a pencil, a ruler, a scissor, embroidery tread, a hammer, a bunch of nails, rounded and small piece of wood and a heart pattern. After that, you must follow the steps showed on the video tutorial and here you have this nice crafts. It is simple, so you can make it with kids.

via AlishaCraft on YOutube

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