Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art


To make this wonderful gradient name String Art, first of all, you have to paint the wooden board with alcohol ink. After that, cut out the name pattern, previosly printed on a paper, and put all the letter on the board and encircle the shape of every letter with nails. Right after, start to put all the threads, from red to orange, from orange to yellow… after, blue – purpple – pink – coral. Oh! Don’f forget to remove the letters one you have finished.
The result is amazing! isn’t it? It turns out a great craft to decorate a wall!
Source: Loo

Jack name String Art DIY, kids bedroom

Definitely, that’s a great idea to decorate a nursery or a kids bedoom, or even a play zone. You can learn how to make a custom name String art following the steps in: Custom Name String Art Tutorial

Vía The View From Fiveten

String Art Names DIY, Becca

Makins String Art crfracts with names are a great idea to make with kids and teenagers at school or at any workshop. You can see how great can result on the picture above. Ins this case is “Becca” name and the threads are making a colour degradation. Just wonderful.

Via Zainabn on

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