Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

String Art Ideas

Ideas to make your own String Art craft.

Fork and spoon string Art to decorate a restaurant or kitchen

This Fork and spoon String Art made on a trunk slice it’s a good handmade idea to decorate a restaurant or a kitchen. Don’t you think so? As you know, is a very easy craft do DIY.

Penguins Love Strign Art DIY

Valentine’s Day has just happened but it doesn’t matter, here we have a beautiful idea to gave as a present for wedding anniversary or just to celebrate your love and decorate your place. This penguin love String Art is cute and lovely.

Via Briana Lamet Originals on Pinterest

Heart String Art Cake Topper

The sweetest thing to celebrate Valentine’s day is eat a cake, indeed. But it’s even better if you decorte it with a cake topper with a string art heart.
You can learn how to make it following the steps os this tutorial: Tutorial Heart Cake Topper
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