Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

Hey guys! One week left for Valentine’s Day, so it’s the moment of thinking about de DIY and easy gifts that we can male, as this String Ar made by Sofia Loayza. Let’s take a look to this tutorial so we can learn how to make it!

You will need these materials:

  •  Wooden board
  •  Tracing paper
  •  Pencil
  •  Patterns
  •  Acrylic paint
  •  Brush
  •  Cotton Thread or Wool
  •  Sandpaper
  •  Hammer
  •  Nail

1. The first step is to sand down the wooden board and, then, paint it in white using acrylic paint.1

2. The second step is to trace the shape on the board using tracing paper. As you can see, you have to put the tracing paper between the board and the template and dreaw again the line using a pencil. In this case it’s an elephand and the word “LOVE”

3. The third step it’s to nail the nails ord pins using a hammer all around the elephant or “Love” letters shape.

4. The fouth step is to pass the thread over the edges or borders making a little loop in each one, as you can see on the video. Remember that you can use different colours.

And that’s all! It look really nice and it’s a perfect handmade gift to give to your beloved on Valentine’s Day.


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