Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

There’s no doubt: Finding a good store to buy string art materials is essential for achieving good results with your DIY project. Quality materials will give you superior results and ensure that your work will last longer and they will look nice when placing them in a wall.

For a quality String Art piece, you will need different types of yarns, twines, threads, nails, paints and other materials. These materials may have different properties which could affect the overall look of your design. For that reason, find a good and very complete store will also carry additional items and tools such as needles, nails, hammers or whatever you need for attaching or weaving the strings onto your wood or canvas.

Luckily, I have found a store where they sell all kinds of materials to be able to make my String Art projects, all of excellent quality and at a good price. It’s called Max Warehouse and today we’re going to take a look at some of their products that will help us in our string and nail crafts.


Wood Stacks

String Art bases made out of wood stakes is a great way to make interesting sculptural pieces. In addition, it is then possible to use the form as the base for String Art designs, weaving around it with strings of various colors and textures to create a 3D artwork with depth. With clever assembly and manipulation of the wood stakes, you can end up with something truly unique that stands out amongst other wall art.


Wood Stain

Another product that could improve you String Art projects is wood stain. It can enhance the wood base by providing a durable, protective finish layer that boost its natural beauty, brings out the grain, and protects it from weathering. A wood stain also highlights particular wood grains or texture, allowing for a more customized appearance, and, of course, could increase the longevity of your String Art, even id it’s placed outside.


Chalk paint blue

It is worth adding that if instead of stain you want to use special paint for wood to give more light and color to your project, of course you can also find it in a store like this one. Check out the chalk paint because it’s awesome for these kind of projects.


Black nails

On the other hand, nails are an essential piece in String Art, and although they may not look like it, they are seen a lot. That’s why you can take the opportunity to let them take center stage or help enhance the design, so it’s a good idea to choose colored nails, such as black or copper.


Claw hammer

Of course, to hammer the nails into the wood you will need a good hammer that is special for this purpose, so claw hammers will help you not only to hammer the nails in, but also to remove them easily if you have made a mistake with any of them.


Synthethic thread

You can use many types of threads in your String Arts, from cotton threads, to embroidery threads, wool, twines, jute, even synthetic outdoor strings like the ones above for a String Art placed outdoors, such as on a porch or patio.

We do not want to finish this post without telling you that, in case you are professionally dedicated to it and do a large number of projects on a monthly basis, it is worthwhile to buy bulk wholesale home decor items and materials in order to make your DIY projects much more profitable. We wish you all the best of success!

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