Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

Hi, guys! Today we have find this amazing Electric Guitar String Art made by La Buhardilla and we want to share the process with us in order you can learn how to make it.

As usual, you will need the following materials: a wooden board, a hammer, scissors, nails, threads (black and white) and a template.

First of all, here you have the templeate, so you can download it:

Electric guitar free pattern for String Art

You can download a higher version of this template to print it in this link: Download the pattern by Pattern Universe.

Then, we start the process, wich is almost always the same.

  1. You must put the pattern over the wooden board and, then, start to clue the nails on the shape.

Electric Guitar String Art DIY, step 1

2. Once you have finished, retire or remove the paper and you will have all the guitar shape and its decorations.

Electric Guitar String Art DIY, step 2

Electric Guitar String Art DIY, step 3

3. This is the moment when you start to put the threads over the nails. Make a loop around the nail heads. Pay special attention if you want to make the guitar in different colours. This one is in black and white but you could chose whatever colour you like the most.

Electric Guitar String Art DIY, step 4

4. That’s it! Put the String Art in a wall to decorate it. This it’s also a nice handmade gift.

Electric Guitar String Art DIY, step 5

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