Ideas, tutorials, videos and free patterns to make your own String Art

Coffee cup String Art

Christmas is here and it’s time to start making Christmas presents. You know that in this blog we love handmade gifts and crafts, so we believe that it’s a good idea to give a cup of coffee String Art to a coffee lover so he can decorate his kitchen or the corner where he usually drink his coffee and enjoy it even more that he usually does. Of course, it can also be a self-gifting to decorate your own home with your art.

Cup coffe String Art

In this post we bring you a tutorial step by step to learn how to make a cup of coffee full of love String Art, but first let’s see the materials that you will need and a free cup of coffee template for download.


To make this String Art you will need the following materials:

  • A piece of wood
  • Nails with heads
  • Strings
  • Pattern
  • Hammer


We like to make it easy for you, so here you have the pattern used on the tutorial. Of course, you can download the coffe cup template for free.

Cup coffe templare


Once you have all the materials and the printed pattern, start to make the cup of coffee String Art following those steps by Jendi:


The first step is to get a piece of wood and fix it, restore it or paint it, according to your preferences. You’re also going to prepare it for hanging, so you have to drill a hole in the back.


The second step is to place the template on top of the piece of wood. Before printing it, make sure that the size of the paper matches the size of the wood. If not, enlarge or reduce with a software like Paint, Photoshop or by adjusting the parameters in the printer software.


The third step is to nail the nails with heads into the wood using a hammer and following the pattern lines or the silhouette. There is no specific way to do it, the space between nails is not always the same, it depends on the area and the shapes. When you’re finished, remove the paper template trying not to break it for keep it as a reference.


Now is the time to work with the threads. They can be made of cotton, wool… as you prefer. The thread is tied with a knot on the first nail. Then, it is rolled up in the head of the nails. There is also no exact way to do it, it is a creative process, you fill in the shapes to your choice. You can also use different colors for each part. For example, draw the cup with orange thread, the coffee with dark brown or black thread, the foam and the heart with white thread… When you finish with a color or zone, you have to tie a knot with the thread in the last nail.


The last step is to cut the leftover threads or the end of the string, if necessary, or glue them to the other strings using white glue.

Once your craft is finished, you can give it as a present or to hang it on the kitchen or living room walls and, of course, you can also prepare a tasty coffee with a Continental Coffee maker. Enjoy it!

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